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Maryanne Young posted a condolence
Thursday, June 15, 2023
Dear Cummings family. I am just learning of Elmer's passing. So sorry for your loss. I've known Elmer for years along with his Dad Howard. He was a sweet man. Thoughts and prayers for your family.
Diane Gratton posted a condolence
Thursday, May 25, 2023
I worked several summers for Elmer at Churchville Park and the golf course in the late 1980's. Elmer was a great boss, and we became life-long friends. I am saddened to read of his passing. My condolences to all of you.
Lori Bruton posted a condolence
Monday, March 27, 2023
My condolences to you Rhonda, Eugene, and family. Your dad was like a second dad to me. I will always treasure his kindness and our times together.
Lori (Liese) Bruton
James Johnson posted a condolence
Monday, February 20, 2023
I want to remember my friend and colleague Elmer Cummings. Sometime in the early sixties I remember a conversation I had with my father, he was in charge of Churchville Park and Golf Course. The county was going to hire park security guards and he was going to Ofer the position at Churchville to Elmer. Elmer had been out of work for over a year recovering from an illness that effected his legs. He would wear braces for the rest of his life. Elmer accepted the position and retired from the county in 1997. He was promoted several times and was successful in becoming the Supervisor of the park and golf course. This started a chain of events with Elmer and I becoming close friends. At that point I was Elmers boss. In 1996 I retired and went to work for Elmer as a summer employee. After Elmer retired the golf course was privatized and I was hired to run Churchville. Elmer was the first person I called and asked him to come to work for me. I stayed in That job for 4 years and Elmer continued cutting grass for several years after. During all this time we never had a cross word or disagreement. Our last conversation was Friday the 3rd. He told me he was doing better and hoped to come home soon with help at the house. Unfortunately that never happened. A life well lived. His private struggle is now over. Until we meet again rest in peace my friend.
John Loyd posted a condolence
Saturday, February 18, 2023
I considered Elmer one of my good friends. What a pleasure and privilege to unite Elmer and Pat In marriage. Elmer was a man of integrity as I knew him. He overcame some very serious limitations and illnesses prior to our meeting. I’m sorry that I did not get to hear his entire story of his illnesses and how he overcame them. Some years of his life were a struggle but he persevered. I will miss our conversations and helping him by “fixing” his computer. I’ll also miss the times we were able to pray together both when he and Pat lived in Fulton and when Elmer moved back to New York after Pat’s death. I send my sympathies to his son Gene and wife. Here is a link to his obituary.
The family of Elmer E. Cummings uploaded a photo
Saturday, February 18, 2023

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